I trained at the European College of Bowen Studies.  Click here for more information Equine Bowen Therapies I trained at the European School of Equine Bowen Therapy.  Click here for more information

Equine Bowen Technique therapist

Krystyna, Bowen Therapist  


I am Krystyna Monks and I first came across Bowen when my horse began showing some stiffness in his back, which persisted despite physiotherapy.  A friend of mine recommended Bowen and the results were so impressive I decided t train as a practitioner myself.

For as long as I can remember, horses have been my first love.  Pony Club gymkhanas have now been replaced with an avid interest in dressage, and I owe a great debt to my very special Russian Warmblood,  Merlot, who has taught me so much - and qualified us both for the British Riding Clubs Dressage Championships no less than three times.

As with humans, increasing age has meant Merlot is starting to become a little stiff, especially on cold winter mornings - so this encouraged me to look for ‘something’ to help.  Now with Bowen, walking downhill is much easier and those first steps out of the stable in the morning are definitely much freer. Click this link for more on The Bowen Technique for horses.

  Equine Bowen Therapy


I trained with the European School of Equine Bowen Therapy (ESEBT) and am listed on their website as a fully insured qualified therapist. To remain on this register I must attend at least two workshops per year to ensure my skills are kept up to date.

Before I was able to train as an Equine Bowen Therapist I first had to qualify as a human therapist.  Bowen can benefit riders as well as their horses, so please click here if you would like more information on The Bowen Technique.


© Equine Bowen Therapies • Leatherhead • Surrey • KT22 8RQ • Tel: 01372 372129 • Fax: 01372 386615